Cluster Nano Road promotes Final Workshop in Brussels


>> FEB 4 | Cluster Nano Road FINAL WORKSHOP | Brussels

Over the last 2 years, ClusterNanoRoad investigated existing development strategies of regions, establishing coordination mechanisms and synergies between smart specialisation and cluster strategies & policies.

On the 4th of February, the consortium led by INL will present the final results of the project in Brussels, Belgium, in a workshop dedicated to showcasing:

✅ Good practices;

✅ The results of the pilot activities and the roadmap developed specifically to support regions and clusters in the design, implementation and assessment of mechanisms to promote the uptake of KETs through cluster-based actions.

The Consortium is simultaneously running an online survey on the results of Cluster Nano Road and invite everyone to participate.

Check the agenda of the workshop here.

Access the registration form here.

Participate in the survey here.