ERC grants a 2.75M€ funding for the development of a transformable metasurface at INL


The European Research Council (ERC) awarded a project from Italian researcher Antonio Ambrosio to grant a 2.75 Million Euros funding over the next 5 years which will be developed at INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, in Braga, Portugal.

The objective is to create a transformable metasurface with potential uses in many fields, including quality control, medical imaging, as well as virtual and augmented reality.

António Ambrosio

António Ambrosio

Antonio Ambrosio, currently developing his research at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, will return from the USA to Europe and conduct his research at INL, to develop a polymeric metasurface with a unique combination of qualities. The material can reconfigure itself to compensate for light distortion from surfaces such as human skin, as well as adjust to picture different chemicals in real-time, and, most importantly, provide chemically selective images in narrow bandwidths in the mid-infrared radiation region.

INL welcomes the award of this Consolidator Grant, which reflects not only the relevance of the project itself – one of the highlighted by the ERC – but also the importance of the unique conditions provided by INL for the development of nanotechnology and nanoscience for the benefit of the global society.