INL COFUND Fellowship Program for International Postdocs – NanoTRAINforGrowth

The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) opened a 4th call for its COFUND fellowship program for Postdocs– The NanoTRAINforGrowth Program.

INL´s international postdoctoral fellowship offers successful applicants the opportunity to perform their innovative scientific project in one of the four attractive Scientific fields pursued at INL: Nanomedicine, Environmental and food control, Nanoelectronics and Nanomanipulation.

i) Nanomedicine: point of care diagnostics (lab on chip microsystems, microfluidic platforms), DNA, protein and cell chips, biomolecular labels, drug delivery solutions, imaging, neuroelectronics.

ii) Environmental and food control: Nanotechnology applied to Food industry, food safety and environmental control. Water and Soil control, air pollution monitoring. Lab-on-a-chip technologies, Smart Packaging and labels, biosensing technologies, food process control.

iii) Nanomanipulation: Single molecule/atom manipulation, molecular motors, nanotweezers, controlled self-assemby of building blocks for nanodevices.

iv) Nanoelectronics: NEMS/MEMS, Spintronics, Photonics, Micro and Nanofluidics, integration of new technologies on CMOS. Development of support platforms for the health, environmental and food control, and energy areas.

Researchers will have access our new state‐of‐the‐art facility and the opportunity to enhance their expertise via a research project, in a scientific topic of their choice that falls within INL´s strategic research and technological development areas.

Eligibility_- INL´s NanoTRAINforGrowth Fellowships are available to researchers who have a PhD degree and less than 10 years of full-time research experience (including the time taken to acquire the PhD), regardless of their nationality. Applicants may originate from any country inside or outside Europe.

When applying, candidates are required to choose one of the above scientific fields and write a RTD project in the application form. It is essential that potential applicants carefully read the guide for applicants and template for the research proposal.

Selected candidates will be offered a 2 year fellowship at INL

DEADLINE: January 11, 2015 (23:00 Lisbon time)

Successful candidates will be contacted by March 31, 2014. Unfortunately INL won’t be able to contact unsuccessful applicants

This fellowship program - NanoTRAINForGrowth - is co-financed by the European Union through the Marie Curie Action "Co-funding of regional, national and international programs (COFUND)". Therefore each selected applicant will be a Marie Curie fellow as well as a NanoTRAINForGrowth fellow.

Individual researchers (applicants) cannot benefit at the same time from more than one Marie Curie Action; these are: Initial Training Networks (ITN); Intra-European Fellowships for career development (IEF); International Outgoing Fellowships for career development (IOF); International Incoming Fellowships (IIF); Career Integration Grants (CIG); Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP); International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES); Co-funding of regional, national and international programs (COFUND).