INL filed the largest number of requests from Portugal for patents in 2015

The INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory filed 8 requests for Patents in 2015 to the EPO – European Patent Office. That makes INL the organisation in Portugal that filed the largest number of requests in 2015.

“We have submitted several patents for the development of novel sensors, comprising different technologies, involving microfluidics and magnetoresistive sensors. We have also submitted four patents in the area of energy-related to batteries and solar cells”, advised Lars Montelius, Director-general of INL.

The patent requests filed are technology patents. “They will be of value for companies that we engage with to strengthen and increase their competitiveness. One of INL’s most important business strategies is to license patents to companies. Some technologies may be explored by INL supported start-ups”, explained the director-general of INL.

In 2016 INL expects to continue its strategy to license Intellectual Property and plans to file between 5 and 10 new requests for patents.

The INL is an international research organisation dedicated to applied research in Nanotechnology, founded by the governments of Portugal and Spain. INL provides science and innovation and is key to translate knowledge into social and economic benefits through the exploration, deployment and articulation of nanotechnology. INL has a key role in integrating nanotechnology in the processes.

INL offers in-house research and technology development capabilities stretching from exploratory research up to low volume pre-production series.

Currently, 140 people work at INL. 84 percent are involved in RTD. Having grown over 40% in 2015, INL expects to grow another 40 percent in 2016. “We are prepared to manage technology transfer where we can assure reduced risk and time to market for the deployment of new products and services”, assured Lars Montelius.

INL’s international legal framework gives it a considerable advantage, mainly, but not only, in terms of flexibility. “This international identity makes it possible for us to move in different stages and promote our capabilities in forums out of the traditional scope of research organisations. This flexibility differentiates us from other research institutions”, added the Director-General of INL.

INL is the only research organisation entirely dedicated to nanotechnology with international legal status.