Ministers of Science of Portugal and People’s Republic of China visited the INL

The Portuguese Minister of Education and Science of Portugal, Nuno Crato, and the Minister of Science and Technology, of the People’s Republic of China, Wan Gang, visited the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory.

After a short meeting with the aim of presenting to the Chinese delegation the INL project, a state-of-the-art facility, fully dedicated to nanotechnology and nanosciences, the two ministers visited the laboratories dedicated to nanomaterial’s, energy storage and conversion, nanochemistry and nanoparticle synthesis , spintronics and magnetometry. In the last two laboratories the Chinese Minister of Science had the chance to meet two Chinese researchers who are developing their work at INESC-MN, in collaboration with INL.

The tour through the facilities, guided by INL’s the director-general, José Rivas, and deputy director general, Paulo Freitas included also the high accuracy laboratories where the Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang took a closer look at the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the scanning electron microscopy (STEM), as well as the focus ion beam (FIB).

Nanotechnology is one of the areas included in the memorandum of understanding signed between the government of People’s Republic of China and Portugal to promote collaborative research.