INL is proudly flying the Progress Pride Flag

Today, INL is proudly flying the Progress Pride Flag at its headquarters in Braga. INL is committed to equality and to the promotion of inclusiveness and diversity in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths). Each person should be treated equally and with dignity no matter their circumstances, and independently of their gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disabilities, ethnic origin, or social background.

The Progress version of the pride flag was created by the artist and designer Daniel Quasar, and combines the LGBTQ+ rainbow flag with the transgender pride flag (white, pink, and light blue), and brown and black stripes representing marginalised communities. INL adapted this flag with permission from Quasar.

The INL Director General Lars Montelius highlights this moment by saying "our Progress Pride Flag will be a lighthouse to the world, signalling the importance of the INL values and its strong commitment to equality, diversity, fairness and inclusiveness, which enable us to contribute to making society a better place for all and everyone". 

Pride Month is celebrated every June to recognise the work made to achieve equal justice and opportunities for the LGBTQIA+ community. As well as being a time to celebrate, it is also a time to educate and raise awareness of issues still affecting our community.