Symposium on Ultrafast Sources for Bioimaging


We invite bioimaging enthusiasts and researchers to the bioimaging symposium which shall provide an inside on recent developments in bioimaging techniques and with a focus on ultrafast sources for bioimaging, a demo showing how to use a few-cycle laser in a microscope setup, lab tours and plenty of time for networking.

Participate in this demo of the newest technical development in nonlinear microscopy using ultrashort laser sources, and inspiring talks giving an overview of Bioimaging in Portugal. Meet the researchers and facility managers of selected Bioimaging facilities from research centres of excellence (and nodes of the Portuguese Platform for BioImaging (PPBI)) who will present their research and research opportunities that involve nonlinear microscopy.

Don’t miss the opportunity to know the INL Bioimaging and Nanophotonics facilities and network with participants from research institutes academia, SMEs and industry. Registrations are open until September 17th.

Confirmed speakers:

Gaby Martins, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

Miguel Morgado. University of Coimbra

Liliana Santos – ICVS/University of Minho

Fábio Fernandes, Instituto Superior Tecnico de Lisboa

Davide Accardi, Champalimaud Foundation

Rosa Romero, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

Helder Crespo, University of Porto

Camilo Guzman, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Jana B. Nieder, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory


See the full program here.